Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday + 3 Day Work Week = Hard to Work

I have the hardest time getting motivated during a short work would think that with a short work week, work should be MORE productive. I guess I'm in a "decompression" phase after the hellish deadlines we were under for a couple of months.

I feel as if my "Cycle of Hobbies" is starting to shift. I generally have 3 main hobbies outside of work: video games, books, playing guitar. Generally, I have periods of time lasting from 2 weeks to 2 months that I will be interested in each. The Video Game Cycle lasted a little longer this time, and has since given way to the reading cycle, but I'm gradually feeling like the guitar is starting to call my name again, perhaps suggesting that I should sit down and play rather than complain about how I don't have enough quality time to devote to getting better. Therein lies the problem, however. There is a stark dichotomy between the music I listen to, and the music I am technically capable of sitting down and playing, with almost NO intersection of the two. Generally, I'm more apt to listen to heavy and progressive stuff, but I have been known to listen to jazz, blues, and classical from time to time, especially if the mood strikes me just right. Some stuff I've been listening to lately, just to give an idea:

Dream Theater - prog metal, probably one of the best heavy bands I've ever heard. No amount of words could ever describe their music.
Symphony X - prog/neo-classical metal, listen!
Stratovarius - swedish neo-classical metal/heavy metal. Awesome and more "musically accessible" than the first two.
Joe Satriani - melodic instrumental hard rock. Joe is the man, probably the kind of music I would play if I were capable.
Queensryche - hard rock/metal with progressive tendencies. Just all around awesome band.

Just a little peak into my "musical" mind, as crazy as it is...

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