Friday, March 03, 2006

This Cubicle IS NOT A Rat's Nest. It's a Random Access Storage Facility With Multi-Level Data Backup.

No, really it is...

2nd day with the new cubies, and all seems well so far, a majority of the people that are going to move have moved over here already. The rest will be herding in today, we shall see how that goes. I was informed yesterday that, while our cubicles are 6' x 7', a typical jail cell is 9' x 9'. Maybe we really are captives in our own cubicles (*evil grin*). I still have a 2' x 3' space of wall that's not occupied yet, I MUST FILL IT UP.

I learned 2 important lessons yesterday: 2) having 2 monitors for your computer is SWEET until it comes time to move, and 1) I'm glad I didn't go into carpentry. With regard to #1, I'd be flat ass broke. I was hammering nails into walls at angles that DO NOT exist in this reality. I almost expected to come in this morning and find a portal to the abyss in my cubicle, but alas, it was still a dry erase board. That would have actually been cooler, and would have at least partly explained why my computer briefly wouldn't connect to the network.

Another important realization was made yesterday, we needed Chuck Norris during the move. He could have roundhouse kicked EVERY nail into the wall for the same time.

Still thinking about that Punisher thing...but now I must burgle...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Got a new horse Stall...I mean, cubicle.

Just moved into our new cubicles here at work, and they look about like horse stalls (let's not dice too many words here). They provide approximately 132% LESS privacy, about 78% MORE distraction, and about twice the amount of ambient noise than the former incarnation of personal space that we were in. That's corporate math in the truest sense of the word. Fortunately, from adverse situations, jokes arise. We now all have names of racing horses stamped on our wall. My horsey name is Midnight Suprizes, which tends to generate many questions that I refuse to answer, partly because the answers are far too lewd for casual conversation, and partly because the things that people DON'T know about you are far more unsettling than the things they DO know. That and it's fun to screw with people.

I read a headline today that made me chuckle: Senator Saves Choking Man, Learns its his Rival. That's funny on a few levels. Talk about a trump card that's good for the entire campaign. How do you talk bad about person who saved you from the unfortunate death of choking on a piece of seafood? Even I'm smart enough to know that you don't tempt the same thread of fate more than once (well, maybe twice, but then you have to roll saving throws).

And speaking of saving throws...

I finished Knights of the Old Republic II a couple of nights ago. What can I say...this game is spectacular. Both of them are. I mean, if you are at least a casual fan of fantasy and sci-fi, get off your ass and play these. I'll leave it there.

It has been suggested that I go to DragonCon as The Punisher. Should I choose to accept this mission, I have a lot of muscle to put on, and about 5 months to do it. Details to come.