Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Stupid Head Allergies

Some days I wish I could trade my sinuses in for a brand spanking new set (if sinuses could come in "sets"), this is one of those days. Don't know if it's the sudden change in temperature, or the trip this past weekend, or the fact there's an air vent over my head thats pouring cold air down on me, but something has my sinues completely up in arms, which is causing a scratchy throat from the drainage and junk. Right now it's just the left side, but inevitably it will make it's way to the right side. But, as long as it stays above the neck I can deal with it with enough Sudafed. So far this morning I've had 2 cups of starbucks coffee, a Sobe Adrenaline Rush, and a dose of it just me, or is the world shaking??

It's been well established that I'm a cool weather person. However, I'm NOT a fan of the weather going from humid and 87 one day to windy and 55 the next, at least give us time to get out of our shorts and into some jeans.

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