Friday, October 21, 2005

Afternoon Woes

ARGH! If the clock doesn't move, I'm going to scream. I think Friday afternoon from 12:00 until 4:30 occurs in some sort of time expansion nexus, where 1 friday minute = 25 regular minutes.

Speaking of screaming, here's something else that nearly made me scream, until I realized that it's so absurd that it HAS to be fake:

I guess according that article, I would be a HACKER VIRTUOSO. I'm really not though...not even close, I can hardly remember my password so I can log into my computer system legally.

Just another 1.25 hours and I will be out of here. Going to check out our house this afternoon, supposedly they've began hanging drywall. It will be nice to see the inside of the house with walls in it, it's sort of confusing to be able to see through the walls, since our eyes generally don't grant us that ability.

T minus 01:15:24 and counting...

1 comment:

bobbiestan said...

I can't wait to see your house finished. It will be so nice! :)