Monday, October 17, 2005

So We Didn't Meet My Family Like Robert Thought

So there's a running joke around here that I am part Mexican because I look a bit Mexican on my driver's license picture (I tell people the mailman was a mexican), and because of that, we refer to going out to eat Mexican food as "going to visit Brad's family at the hacienda" (or something equally insane). So immediately after sitting down at San Marcos today, Bobbiestan goes "Brad, I thought we were eating with your family?"

I can't blame him entirely though, with all the crazy coding going on, we are all suffering a -2 to our wisdom score.

Yes, the mexican food was good. No, I'm not related to anyone that works there.

1 comment:

bobbiestan said...

hahaha. now the world knows my secret. /hang head in shame