Friday, June 02, 2006

Heading South

So I'm heading to the beach this weekend, which is cool, even though I'm not a beach fan. I can find plenty of other activities to take up my time that don't involve baking in the sun and extracting sand from places it shouldn't be. I will never get a sunburn because I'm a huge fan of the Lewis Black theory of using Crisco for sunscreen: "when you start to sizzle, you move your ass." It works. Trust me.

I will admit there is one event going on that I am mildly interested in: the Spring Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival and Torchlight Parade. Read that again, I'm trying to render a mental image but my imagination isn't vivid enough.

Next week will involve a birthday party. Given our track record, one can only speculate as to what kind of story will come out of this one.

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