Tuesday, February 07, 2006

That's a BAD Goose

I took part in what I believe to be the strangest conversation this weekend; after getting back in from a karaoke bar, Mike decides to call it a night and leaves. About a minute and a half later, I get a call from him on my cell phone, and here begins said conversation (as well as I can remember it):

Me: "Hello"
Mike: "Hey, it's me"
Me: "Hey, what's up?"
Mike: "2 things: Number 1 - a deer just ran out in front of me at the entrance to your neighborhood, so if you are, you know, wanting to trap a deer, now would be a good time...and number 2 - sorry about peeing in your flower pot"
Me: "Ok.....thanks?"
Mike: "Ok, talk to you later!"
Me: "Later!"

Speaking of the weekend, I entertained a 3 year old for a considerable amount of time this weekend. One noteable thing about kids is that they require 100% of your undivided attention EVERY second you are around them. If you could see the CPU Utilization of my brain it would have been like 99%. I also learned another important lesson about kids; if you ever throw one up in the air and catch them on the way down, you will be doing it for the next 3 1/2 hours (my guess is that even if you DIDN'T catch them on the way down, they would still ask to be thrown again...though I can neither confirm nor deny this). All in all, it was a pretty good time, and a new experience, which is good.

The party was good, people showed up, and that's always a good thing. 13 people doesn't sound like a lot, and it isn't, until they are all going for pizza at once, then it feels more like a stampede than a social event (the Rage Against the Machine song Bulls on Parade fits here somehow, but I don't know exactly how). Karaoke was fun too, and even though I don't like country music (that topic deserves a seperate blog post, but not now), I managed to suffer through the 32948298578275423 country songs that were done during karaoke that night. The funniest thing that happened was when Mike suggested to Jeremy that he should get up and sing a Pearl Jam song in the style of AC/DC, then proceeded with an impression of, you guessed it, the song Jeremy. I nearly choked on my Jager bomb (as if the taste itself wasn't bad enough, try keeping your cool when it's trying to come back up your nose while you are doubled over laughing).

I just realized that this entire post is in random chronological order...putting the sequence of events in the right order is left as an exercise for the reader.

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