Friday, May 05, 2006

Cinco De Mayo

...or as we know it: another excuse to go to a Mexican restaurant, eat lots of chips and salsa, wear a sombrero, and drink too many margaritas. Not that there's anything wrong with any combination of those 4 things. Tonight should be fun, we are doing those exact 4 things while watching/listening to an 80s band. Let's recap for those that didn't get that joke the first time through: mexican restaurant, 80s band. How many margaritas will it take for that to make sense? Of course, the answer is 1 if they do it right (most mexican places do). Maybe the band will at least wear sombreros to make things feel a little more normal, or play some heavy metal mariachi music. I'd pay upwards of $3.50 to see that.

This past weekend, while visiting a friend in Florida, I made an interesting discovery in a Publix restaurant that should make lovers of energy drinks everywhere join hands in song: they now sell Red Bull in 12 packs. Now if they would start selling Sobe No Fear (my personal favorite) in 12 packs, I might be in trouble...but damn would that be a fun, sleepless 2 weeks. Also worth mentioning is that in Florida, they sell Mountain Dew Amps in a 16 oz can. Yes, moutain dew + energy drink + double size (did I mention we didn't sleep much this past weekend??).

So, to close a loose end that I might have left open a few posts back about being The Punisher at Dragoncon this year...I've decided to give it a try. Now I'm trying to put on some muscle as phase II of my New Years resolution (yeah, I expect to get funny looks from people about that phrase). I'm eating at least 250 g of protein a day, which makes it difficult to find myself hungry when the next meal time comes around.

We shall see how this goes...

Can someone please speed up time for me???

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