Monday, October 17, 2005

It's About THAT Time

(Cue up Jaws music) The software testers are starting to arrive, and we have no alligators...oh well, probably for the best.

The start of a new week is refreshing, until you realize that it's mid October and you can't remember a thing since April. Probably the beginning signs of workaholism, guess I should watch it. Beautiful weather out though, a nice CRISP 49 degrees...cold weather just won't get here fast enough.

No big plans for work today, maybe I will chill, I've given this project enough hours of my life for the past 6 months, don't think they'll miss a day.

Adult swim has my new favorite show, 12 Oz Mouse. REALLY warped, check it:

Skillet, we can totally do this.

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