Friday, March 03, 2006

This Cubicle IS NOT A Rat's Nest. It's a Random Access Storage Facility With Multi-Level Data Backup.

No, really it is...

2nd day with the new cubies, and all seems well so far, a majority of the people that are going to move have moved over here already. The rest will be herding in today, we shall see how that goes. I was informed yesterday that, while our cubicles are 6' x 7', a typical jail cell is 9' x 9'. Maybe we really are captives in our own cubicles (*evil grin*). I still have a 2' x 3' space of wall that's not occupied yet, I MUST FILL IT UP.

I learned 2 important lessons yesterday: 2) having 2 monitors for your computer is SWEET until it comes time to move, and 1) I'm glad I didn't go into carpentry. With regard to #1, I'd be flat ass broke. I was hammering nails into walls at angles that DO NOT exist in this reality. I almost expected to come in this morning and find a portal to the abyss in my cubicle, but alas, it was still a dry erase board. That would have actually been cooler, and would have at least partly explained why my computer briefly wouldn't connect to the network.

Another important realization was made yesterday, we needed Chuck Norris during the move. He could have roundhouse kicked EVERY nail into the wall for the same time.

Still thinking about that Punisher thing...but now I must burgle...

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